Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brotherhood - A fact in Nature

“Brotherhood is a fact in Nature. This affirmation is based on the inner spiritual unity of all life. Every life-unit or Monad is an emanation from the One Universal Life, which is the unseen cause behind the visible universe.

We human beings constitute one group of Monads, linked with one another through a common origin and a common destiny -- fellow travelers with a common goal. The basis for harmony and cooperation already exists therefore, and a brotherhood in actu is the natural and normal relationship between men.

The extent to which our spiritual unity is recognized depends on our development and differs vastly with different individuals.

Indifference to the suffering and hardship of others shows a lack of spiritual development. A sense of oneness, compassion, fellow-feeling and sympathy for the one who suffers shows a realization of inner unity. A witness to an accident, although not affected physically, may feel sick and even faint as a result of this feeling of inner unity with the victim.

When we see or hear of some heroic deed, or some act of self sacrifice, some duty done in the face of difficulty or danger, we experience a warmth of heart, and a renewed faith that there is something noble or divine in our fellow men. There is a chord in our nature that responds when a true note is struck by someone else, and why should this chord vibrate in unison with the note struck unless there is something of divinity in all human hearts?

The separateness we feel outwardly is not as complete as may appear on the surface. When we step on a bus or a train for instance our safe-keeping is in the hands of those who drive these conveyances. Our life may depend on the mechanic who repaired our auto and when we are riding in it, our life is almost as much dependent on the care of other drivers as it is on our own. When we cross a bridge or use an elevator we are entrusting our lives to those who designed and built it. What we do affects others and what they do affects us. We are our "Brother's Keeper," and he is our "Keeper," and we are responsible to each other for our acts.”

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils. A. Amneus, Ch. 9 ‘Brotherhood’


Anonymous said...

Nils Amneus was my grandfather. It is nice to see his words on your website.

Unknown said...

He was a smart man. I read his book through the Theosophical Society correspondence course a few years ago. I wish I could have met him.