Saturday, December 26, 2009

A List of Great Wisdom

“The Kybalion” by The Three Initiates

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

“Life's Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus

“Expanding Horizons” by James A. Long

“To Light a Thousand Lamps” by Grace F. Knoche

 “The Ocean of Theosophy” by William Q. Judge

“The Key to Theosophy” by H. P. Blavatsky

“An Invitation to The Secret Doctrine” by H. P. Blavatsky

“The Voice of the Silence” by H. P. Blavatsky

“The Secret Doctrine” by H. P. Blavatsky

“Isis Unveiled” by H. P. Blavatsky

“The Esoteric Tradition” by G. de Purucker

“Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy” by G. de Purucker

“Fountain Source of Occultism” by G. de Purucker

“Wondrous Wisdom” by Michael R. Kellogg

“Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and it’s Attainment”
by Rudolph Steiner

“Attaining the Worlds Beyond” by Michael Laitman

“Stillness Speaks” by Eckhart Tolle

“The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment”
by Eckhart Tolle

“Secret of the Ages” by Robert Collier

“The Secret Teachings of all Ages” by Manly P. Hall

“The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles

“The Science of Being Well” by Wallace D. Wattles

“The Science of Being Great” by Wallace D. Wattles

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Man’s Self-Made Destiny

“There is a bit of Eastern Wisdom which says that:

If you sow a thought you reap an act;
If you sow an act you reap a habit;
If you sow a habit you reap a character;
If you sow a character you reap a destiny.

If we live up to the best that is in us, our character will constantly improve and set us on the road to a bright and fruitful destiny. If we seem to be heading in the wrong direction, this can be changed, but to change it, we must first change our character.

To do this, we must change our habits, our acts and our thoughts, which of course takes time and steady effort.

All that we are is the consequence of what we have thought. It is based on our thoughts. It is all derived from our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a thought of evil, suffering follows him, exactly as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the cart.

All that we are is the consequence of what we have thought. It is based on our thoughts; it is derived from our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an innocent and pure thought, happiness follows him, exactly like a shadow that never leaves him.

"He treated me badly; he struck me; he overcame me; he robbed me" -- in those who cultivate such feelings hate will never cease.

"He treated me badly; he struck me; he overcame me; he robbed me" -- in those who do not cultivate such thoughts, hatred will die.

For hate never is overcome by hate at any time. Hate passes away through love. This is the ancient rule.

Our destiny, then, is ultimately determined by our own thoughts and deeds. We are not "predestined" to anything by anyone else. As we alter our character for better or for worse, so do we ourselves thereby determine our own destiny.”

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus, Ch. 4 ‘Man’s Complex Nature’

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Stumbling Block is Selfishness

“It is generally agreed that the simple teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, if taken seriously and applied in practice, would be sufficient to establish Brotherhood, and man's failure to do this has not been due to a lack of ethical teachings on the subject.

The altruist and the humanitarian do take these teachings seriously and seek to benefit their fellow men without selfish motives. Many sincere attempts have been made by religious and other groups to practice Brotherhood, and if it were not for such efforts by people of good will this world would be in a far worse condition than it is. But those who try to practice Brotherhood meet with difficulties. They have to deal with others, who by their selfishness hamper the efforts for Brotherhood, and make these ineffective.

It is the selfish man who causes the strife and disharmony in the world. He too has had the ethical teachings of religion presented to him, but has ignored them for ages past and is doing the same today. Unless he can be induced to change his selfish attitude, Brotherhood will not become a reality. Evidently ethical teachings, wonderful as they are, are not sufficient to accomplish this when standing alone and are ineffective where they are most needed.

The selfish man feels that selfishness offers immediate and concrete advantages, while the benefits resulting from altruism are uncertain and may never materialize. He sees others practice selfishness with apparently favorable results and hence concludes that selfishness "pays" better than altruism and that is his reason for acting selfishly.

Selfishness and crime can not be eliminated as long as man believes that they are profitable. Unless it can be shown that they are unprofitable and injurious to man's welfare, selfishness, corruption and crime will continue, become more aggravated and eventually wreck our civilization as they have done with so many others in the past."

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus, Ch. 9 ‘Brotherhood’

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Mind

“The mind is dual in its nature. The higher part of it is in touch with our spiritual nature, and the lower part is dependent on the brain and the physical senses, and gravitates toward the material side of our nature.

When the Ego centers its attention in the Higher Mind, it realizes its oneness with all life. It then thinks and feels in unison with its fellows. It seeks expression in thoughts and deeds of altruism and compassion. It recognizes the better side in others and by its trust and faith helps to strengthen this better side.

The lower mind is the result of the Ray of Consciousness working through the human constitution and is so closely associated with the brain and the desires of the body that it identifies itself with them. It receives impulses from the organs in the body, which demand satisfaction of their various wants. It is concerned with personal comforts and pleasures and the little problems of everyday life.

It observes that its own vehicle is distinct and separate from other vehicles, and therefore feels that its interests conflict with those of others. Thus it becomes interested in itself to the exclusion of others, and often plans and schemes to gain advantage over its fellow men, for it does not recognize its oneness with them. When not engaged in a specific task, it drifts aimlessly from one thought to another, or is stimulated into activity by external events.

There is no distinct line of demarcation between the Higher and the lower Mind; one merges imperceptibly into the other. The Ego can center its attention in only one part of the mind at a time and only that part of the mind is active for the time being.

By constant use of the Higher Mind in altruistic, constructive thought and a lofty idealism, the spiritual side of our natures grows stronger. When, after many incarnations, we shall have transferred our consciousness to this part of our constitution, we shall pass in full consciousness through death's door into a spiritual state of being.”

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus, Ch. 4 ‘Man’s Complex Nature’

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brotherhood - A fact in Nature

“Brotherhood is a fact in Nature. This affirmation is based on the inner spiritual unity of all life. Every life-unit or Monad is an emanation from the One Universal Life, which is the unseen cause behind the visible universe.

We human beings constitute one group of Monads, linked with one another through a common origin and a common destiny -- fellow travelers with a common goal. The basis for harmony and cooperation already exists therefore, and a brotherhood in actu is the natural and normal relationship between men.

The extent to which our spiritual unity is recognized depends on our development and differs vastly with different individuals.

Indifference to the suffering and hardship of others shows a lack of spiritual development. A sense of oneness, compassion, fellow-feeling and sympathy for the one who suffers shows a realization of inner unity. A witness to an accident, although not affected physically, may feel sick and even faint as a result of this feeling of inner unity with the victim.

When we see or hear of some heroic deed, or some act of self sacrifice, some duty done in the face of difficulty or danger, we experience a warmth of heart, and a renewed faith that there is something noble or divine in our fellow men. There is a chord in our nature that responds when a true note is struck by someone else, and why should this chord vibrate in unison with the note struck unless there is something of divinity in all human hearts?

The separateness we feel outwardly is not as complete as may appear on the surface. When we step on a bus or a train for instance our safe-keeping is in the hands of those who drive these conveyances. Our life may depend on the mechanic who repaired our auto and when we are riding in it, our life is almost as much dependent on the care of other drivers as it is on our own. When we cross a bridge or use an elevator we are entrusting our lives to those who designed and built it. What we do affects others and what they do affects us. We are our "Brother's Keeper," and he is our "Keeper," and we are responsible to each other for our acts.”

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils. A. Amneus, Ch. 9 ‘Brotherhood’

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Human Ego

“Every individual is aware of a center of consciousness within, which he recognizes as "himself." This individualized consciousness feels its separateness from other entities and thinks of itself as "I-AM-I" and not someone else. This "I-AM-I" or Ego has the power to direct the mind to any object it chooses. The mind in that case acts like a mirror that reflects the light of consciousness on the object and thus enables the Ego to learn about it.

When the Ego uses the mirror of the mind to reflect the light of consciousness back upon itself, the Ego becomes aware of its own existence. It is then what we call "self-conscious." It exists and it knows that it exists. This faculty belongs to the evolutionary stage of Man, but is lacking in the animals. The latter are conscious, but not yet self-conscious.”

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus, Ch. 4 ‘Man’s Complex Nature’

Monday, December 14, 2009

Laws Inherent in Nature

“There is an inherent tendency in Nature to restore balance and harmony wherever these have been disturbed.

If the branch of a tree is bent out of position it reacts with an equal and opposite force which will return the branch to its original position when released. If a stone is thrown up into the air it returns to earth with a velocity equal to that with which it was thrown. If a weight is suspended by a rope it produces a tension in the rope equal to the weight, but pulling in the opposite direction.

These are examples on the material plane of an automatic tendency in Nature, which in Mechanics is expressed by the formula: "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." We see other examples of a tendency in Nature to restore balance in such common phenomena as water resuming its level after it has been disturbed; the air of the atmosphere moving from high pressure areas to those of a lower pressure or a swinging pendulum returning eventually to its position of rest.

The ancient teachings tell us that the same tendency operates throughout the Universe on all its planes, unseen as well as seen. We human beings are also governed by the same law, since we too are parts of Nature. In our innermost essence we are one with the Universal Life. Through this inner source we are united with one another as are the leaves of one tree or the cells and organs of the human body.

The natural relationship between human beings is therefore one of harmony and cooperation for the common good. If this harmonious relationship is broken, Nature responds by setting up reactions of a similar kind. Thus if our motives, feelings, thoughts and actions are of a detrimental nature the same will return to us, and if they are of a beneficent nature the reaction will be beneficial. Thus life gives us back what we put into it.

The tendency in Nature to respond to external impulses by producing equivalent reactions is described by phrases such as "The Law of Cause and Effect," "The Law of Consequences," etc. In Hindu philosophy it is referred to by the Sanskrit term "Karma." Since there is no adequate term in Occidental languages to convey this idea, and in order to avoid cumbersome expressions, the Sanskrit term has been adopted in Theosophical literature for this purpose.

Literally translated Karma means "action," but to the Hindu this word has a more comprehensive meaning than it does to an Occidental. To the Hindu the effect is inherent in the cause. He considers that an initial act is only one half of an operation that is not complete until the reaction has taken place. The term Karma therefore includes both the cause and the effect. It is sometimes referred to as a "law," but this should not be understood in its judicial sense as an edict pronounced by some outside authority, but in the scientific sense as a quality inherent in Nature.

Karma is the fundamental law that governs all actions. It is the preserver of equilibrium, the restorer of disturbed balance. It does not punish or reward, it merely adjusts.

In The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, pp. 643-4, H. P. Blavatsky writes:

[T]he only decree of Karma -- an eternal and immutable decree is absolute Harmony in the world of matter as it is in the world of Spirit. It is not, therefore, Karma that rewards or punishes, but it is we, who reward or punish ourselves according to whether we work with, through and along with nature, abiding by the laws on which that Harmony depends, or -- break them.

[V]erily there is not an accident in our lives, not a misshapen day, or a misfortune, that could not be traced back to our own doings in this or in another life. If one breaks the laws of Harmony, . . . one must be prepared to fall into the chaos one has oneself produced.

Karma-Nemesis is no more than the (spiritual) dynamical effect of causes produced and forces awakened into activity by our own actions.

The Book of the Golden Precepts* says of Karma:

Learn that no efforts, not the smallest -- whether in right or wrong direction -- can vanish from the world of causes. Thou canst create this "day" [this life] thy chances for thy "morrow" [future lives]. In the "Great Journey" [cycle of existences] causes sown each hour bear each its harvest of effects, for rigid Justice rules the World. With mighty sweep of never-erring action, it brings to mortals lives of weal or woe, the karmic progeny of all our former thoughts and deeds.

* See The Voice of the Silence by H. P. Blavatsky which is a translation of some of these precepts.”

-“Life’s Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus, Ch. 8 ‘Karma’

Sunday, December 13, 2009

One Ray - Various Aspects

"Man is not a single, indivisible homogeneous unit, but is a composite entity made up of many different elements and principles, under normal conditions operating harmoniously together during Man's life on Earth. Besides his visible, physical body, he is endowed with an inner, invisible, complex constitution, part of which is inferior to his ordinary mental Consciousness, and part superior to this Consciousness.

The essential part of Man is a Ray or stream of consciousness, a part of the Universal Consciousness, the Divine Source of all life. This Ray is inseparable from the One Universal Life, just as a sunbeam is inseparable from the sun, but while embodied it appears as a separate unit.

This Ray is the core around which Man's composite nature is built. The various principles of his constitution are all different aspects or manifestations of this Ray, and all are vitalized into activity by its presence.

As this Ray descends through the various planes or levels of Nature, it focuses its essence into active centers at each of these levels and builds for itself vehicles suitable for existence thereon. In each case the vehicle is built from the materials and energies of the plane in which it is to operate, and each such vehicle enables the Ray to evolve and progress by experience on one or another of these planes."

-“ Life's Riddle” by Nils A. Amneus, Ch. 4 ‘Man’s Complex Nature’

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Many Cross-sections of Consciousness

"Our plane of consciousness is like a single "cross-section" in the middle of an imaginary log of infinite length; or like an octave in the middle of an infinite scale of consciousness, just as the octave of radiations that appear to us as light constitutes an infinitesimally small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.

On both sides of our "cross-section" there are other cross-sections of consciousness, higher and lower than ours, and that it is possible for those who have developed their inner faculties to step across the border into those other planes. To them these inner worlds are more real than the outer, physical world that we know. They call this outer world an "illusion," in the sense that it is not what it seems to be. To them it is a "shadow-world" with its matter that seems so solid, but is so porous it is almost non-existent.

It is in these inner, invisible worlds that Man's consciousness is acting, observing and experiencing, while to our knowledge he is unconscious in sleep or death.

The fact that some can to a limited extent use their inner faculties, as is done in thought-transference, indicates that these faculties are beginning to awaken from their dormant state, in the case of a few individuals. When these faculties are fully developed in us, we shall see thoughts as clearly as we now see physical objects."

-"Life's Riddle" by Nils A. Anmeus, Ch. 3 'The Unseen Side of Nature'

Pleiadian Physics: Fractals = Imagination

"A Message of Co-Creativity to
Terrans on Mother Earth Gaia"

In the Cosmos, most Beings think of existence
as a fractal. This is not how most Terrans
currently think of existence. However, because
Terra/Earth/Gaia's Sun (Sol) is the eighth
(8th) star of the Pleiades -- now in the
Photon Band -- you are re-learning this.

A fractal – simply stated – is a reflection. You
see fractals all around you: trees create trees;
butterflies make more butterflies; and the water
reflects the sky. Fractals exist in dimensions
where there is duplication of appearances and

You are a fractal: you see reflections of how you
feel and perceive each other. You see fractals
of your beautiful selves reflected everywhere!
For example, your Twin Flame is a perfect fractal
of you. Also, most soul group fractals (pods) arrive
"here" in a group of 8, symbolizing infinity.

Pleiadians are what many Terrans would term as
Ancestors. Actually, with the circular / spiral
nature of time – with all incarnations occurring
simultaneously in the NOW – "cousins" would
be a more appropriate term.

This what you have in common with Pleiadians:
empathy, love of travel, artwork, spirituality,
manifestation, temples…and so on! In the giant
Cosmos, there are no other star systems with
Beings so like you. (A light: "Wow! We must
be related!" Yes, most of you are correct with
this assumption.)

"Pleiadian Physics: 8 = Eternity" * shows that
you -- as relative of Pleiadians – are Masters of
projecting/perceiving. This includes creation of
reality around you: you can create any reality
with Light and Love.

Now you know Pleiadians are your relatives. If
this isn't exciting enough, there's more amazing
news. Pleidians want to CO-CREATE with YOU.

*Co-Creation* is needed RIGHT NOW (!) to
MANIFEST HIGHER vibrations in every aspect
of Terra/Earth/Gaia. Remember (from "Pleiadian
Physics: 8 = Eternity"*) that Light and Love are
more powerful than matter. Pleidians are here to
assist you to psychically build a Violet Bridge
of Co-Creation to re-sculpt and re-create YOUR
HOME into a Peaceful Creative World.

You are a Co-Creator right now. To show this,
make a Mirror Fractal Altar. Place a mirror on
a horizontal surface as high up as you can: place
images, objects, or saying symbolizing highest
hopes for Terra/Earth/Gaia upon the mirror. (Ideas
include pictures of nature, crystal Merkabas, or
planetary artwork, or slips of paper saying
*Dolphins Save Us* & *Planetary Ascension*
& *Billions of Light Workers*)

Here is how you can build a psychic Violet
Fractal Bridge between YOUrself and the
Pleiadians to manifest the co-creation process:

* Stay true to yourself as a Being of Light;
* Turn-off tech - turn on your imagination;
* Show love & peace to all you encounter;
* Manifest dreams into art/writing now;
* Cherish Terra/Earth/Gaia physically;
* Be as creative with whatever find;
* Share all because YOU manifest.

Remember (what you already know), a fractal
is a reflection. What is INSIDE of YOU is
OUTSIDE of YOU in all dimensions.

As you manifest higher more expansive Love
and Light vibrations with Pleiadian Physics,
you will manifest realities you've dreamed
about. Multidimensional travel and time-jumps
will be regular instances by your entrance to
your Higher Merkabas. As stated in "Pleiadian
Physics: 8 = Eternity," this is part of DNA
re-sequencing that you have been informed of
in your dream time (2 to 3 to 12 strands).

In anticipation, your Pleiadian Cousins are
ready to create with you right NOW.

"I am the Universe,
I am the Cosmos,
I am the Violet Flame"

[[[ Mantra of Your Sun, the Eighth Star in the Pleiades ]]]

Share and pass on freely. Love and Light are always free.

Pleiadian Physics: 8 = Eternity

"'A Message of Hope to Terrans on Mother Earth Gaia'

In the Cosmos, most Beings think of LIGHT as synonymous with
"information." This is not the usual way Terrans think of
information, however…

Light is information in the way things are sensed and felt.
Feelings are the most powerful voices/fuels in the universe. This
is because our feelings are information and this is what LIGHT is
composed of.

Think of it this way. The Sun we are seeing, Sol – the eighth (8th)
Sun of the Pleiades Constellation – now directly in the Photon
Band, transmits LIGHT to Terra/Gaia/Earth. Sun/Sol, creates
dimensions "here."

This light creates beings/feelings in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th –
through 12th dimensions (and beyond) which affect Terra/Gaia/Earth.

For example, In the 2nd dimension ("here"), this LIGHT is turned
into crystals and insects. In the third dimension, this light is
turned into fauna and flora (plants and animals) which also have
feelings, which is information. It is in this way that you are made
of LIGHT. You are all now discovering that Light is more powerful
than matter, for your inner self is telling you that light is
emotional intention.

The 1st dimension has the least amount of love, leading up to the
12th dimension which is composed of the pure love of the Core
Creators... And yet higher in bandwidth and complete Merkaba
control are the Planetary Travelers [true name omitted].

For those of you with Pleiadian origins -- of the highly-
fluctuating and fluid 4th/5th dimensions -- you are the MASTERs of
projecting and perceiving emotions. You are the forerunners in this
Light Awakening by showing those on Terra/Gaia/Earth how feelings
form reality (perceptions and reactions).

There are simple instant experiments to show you that LIGHT is more
powerful than matter NOW, as Terra/Gaia/Earth is aligning with
Pleiadian physics more so each day. Simply write down a list of
what you need and tape it to the wall of your dwelling: you will
see instant results. Another instant experiment is to chant, "I am
light" when performing a task: you will see that time/matter will
bend to your will for your work/art/duties.

You are also LOVE. You are made of love. Love is what brought you
"here" in the first place, when you were born, and if you were
braided/walked in, or in rare cases, trained. You are here not only
to project/perceive love, but to use love as an instrument for
sculpting/creating matter. Love is more powerful than matter.

As the physics "here" become increasingly more Pleiadian, you will
see that *doors of perception* (marked by repeated number signs)
are opening more frequently, with the ability to take you to higher
and higher expansions. These are expansions -- not
vibrations -- because you need to be able to handle your total
Merkaba enlargement, which will expose you to
extremes/centers/beings of all kinds.

These vibrations (12 bandwidths of 12 expansions each, followed by
a jump to the next octave, which are also composed of either one
Merkaba or a cluster of Merkabas) lead you as an individual upward
to parallel lives in which you can connect with your soul family,
your soul cluster, and/or your Soulmates / Twin Flames in *Instant
Manifestation* worlds and realities.

As you move higher and higher in LOVE, your base chakra will move
from your root to your heart, and you will have TWELVE chakras
instead of seven: at this point, all of your actions and thoughts
will be love-based. This is also part of the DNA re-sequencing that
you have been informed of in your dreamtime. (2 strands to the
triangulation of 3 strands) Next, you will be presented with a
series of choices/wishes/projections which will land you in a
series of several Merkabas (projected realities). If you choose
wisely and remain true to yourself, manifestation beyond your
wildest dreams might occur (3 strands to the expansion of 12

The urgent important KEYS to LIGHT and LOVE are sharing (freely) on
as many levels as you can. This is KEY to Pleiadian physics.

Here are some simple methods of sharing love and light. Give your
unused food and clothing to those who need it. Volunteer for free.
Teach new ideas for free. Heal for free. Recycle and re-use. Give
hugs to strangers. Don't forget to give yourself love and light
too, with crystals, candlelight, and massage. Bring yourself back
to love in your heart through music, beauty, and loving memories.
Bring yourself back to light by freely sharing information.

Share and pass on freely. Love and Light are always Free." - Unknown

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Mental Exercise

"The purpose of mental exercises must not be misunderstood. There is no virtue in charms or formulated strings of words; there is no short cut to development by repeating prayers or incantations. A mental exercise is an exercise, not in the repeating of words, but in the thinking of certain thoughts. The phrases that we repeatedly hear become convictions, as Goethe says; and the thoughts that we repeatedly think become habitual, and make us what we are. The purpose in taking a mental exercise is that you may think certain thoughts repeatedly until you form a habit of thinking them; then they will be your thoughts all the time. Taken in the right way and with an understanding of their purpose, mental exercises are of great value; but taken as most people take them they are worse than useless.

First let your attention travel over your body from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, relaxing every muscle as you go. Relax completely. And next, get physical and other ills off your mind. Let the attention pass down the spinal cord and out over the nerves to the extremities, and as you do so think: - “My nerves are in perfect order all over my body. They obey my will, and I have great nerve force.” Next bring your attention to the lungs and think: - “I am breathing deeply and quietly, and the air goes into every cell of my lungs, which are in perfect condition. My blood is purified and made clean.” Next, to the heart: - “My heart is beating strongly and steadily, and my circulation is perfect, even to the extremities.’ Next, to the digestive system: - “My stomach and bowels perform their work perfectly. My food is digested and assimilated and my body rebuilt and nourished. My liver, kidneys, and bladder each perform their several functions without pain or strain; I am perfectly well. My body is resting, my mind is quiet, and my soul is at peace.

“I have no anxiety about financial or other matters. God, who is within me, is also in all things I want, impelling them toward me; all that I want is already given to me. I have no anxiety about my health, for I am perfectly well. I have no worry or fear whatsoever.

“I rise above all temptation to moral evil. I cast out all greed, selfishness, and narrow personal ambition; I do not hold envy, malice, or enmity toward any living soul. I will follow no course of action which is not in accord with my highest ideals. I am right and I will do right.”

All is right with the world. It is perfect and advancing to completion. I will contemplate the facts of social, political, and industrial life only from this high viewpoint. Behold, it is all very good. I will see all human beings, all my acquaintances, friends, neighbors, and the members of my own household in the same way. They are all good. Nothing is wrong with the universe; nothing can be wrong but my own personal attitude, and henceforth I keep that right. My whole trust is in God.

I will obey my soul and be true to that within me that is highest. I will search within for the pure idea of right in all things, and when I find it I will express it in my outward life. I will abandon everything I have outgrown for the best I can think. I will have the highest thoughts concerning all my relationships, and my manner and action shall express these thoughts. I surrender my body to be ruled by my mind; I yield my mind to the dominion of my soul, and I give my soul to the guidance of God.

There is but one substance and source, and of that I am made and with it I am one. It is my Father; I proceeded forth and came from it. My Father and I are one, and my Father is greater than I, and I do His will. I surrender myself to conscious unity with Pure Spirit; there is but one and that one is everywhere. I am one with the Eternal Consciousness.

Form a mental picture of your self as you want to be, and at the greatest height your imagination can picture. Dwell upon this for some little time, holding the thought: “This is what I really am; it is a picture of my own, perfect and advancing to completion. I will contemplate the facts of social, political, and industrial life only from this high viewpoint. Behold, it is all very good. I will see all human beings, all my acquaintances, friends, neighbors, and the members of my own household in the same way. They are all good. Nothing is wrong with the universe, nothing can he wrong but my own personal attitude, and henceforth I keep that right. My whole trust is in God.

I appropriate to myself the power to become what I want to be, and to do what I want to do. I exercise creative energy; all the power there is, is mine. I will arise and go forth with power and perfect confidence; I will do mighty works in the strength of the Lord, my God. I will trust and not fear, for God is with me."
- The Science of Being Great by Wallace D. Wattles

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Key of Wisdom

"I, Thoth, the Atlantean,
give of my wisdom,
give of my knowledge,
give of my power.
Freely I give to the children of men.
Give that they, too, might have wisdom
to shine through the world from the veil of the night.
Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom.
Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise.
If one comes to thee full of knowledge,
listen and heed, for wisdom is all.
Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth
like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished,
for only through Law comes the freedom of men.
Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage,
a fetter that binds the darkness to men.
Follow thine heart during thy lifetime.
Do thou more than is commanded of thee.
When thou hast gained riches,
follow thou thine heart,
for all these are of no avail if
thine heart be weary.
Diminish thou not the time of
following thine heart.
It is abhorred of the soul.
They that are guided go not astray,
but they that are lost cannot find a straight path.
If thou go among men, make for thyself,
Love, the beginning and end of the heart.
If one cometh unto thee for council,
let him speak freely,
that the thing for which he hath
come to thee may be done.
If he hesitates to open his heart to thee,
it is because thou, the judge, doeth the wrong.
Repeat thou not extravagant speech,
neither listen thou to it,
for it is the utterance of one
not in equilibrium.
Speak thou not of it,
so that he before thee may know wisdom.
Silence is of great profit.
An abundance of speech profiteth nothing.
Exalt not thine heart above the children of men,
lest it be brought lower than the dust.
If thou be great among men,
be honoured for knowledge and gentleness.
If thou seeketh to know the nature of a friend,
ask not his companion,
but pass a time alone with him.
Debate with him,
testing his heart by his words and his bearing.
That which goeth into the store-house must come forth,
and the things that are thine must be shared with a friend.
Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance,
and the things that are profitable are to him hurtful.
He liveth in death.
It is therefore his food.
The wise man lets his heart overflow
but keeps silent his mouth.
O man, list to the voice of wisdom;
list to the voice of light.
Mysteries there are in the Cosmos
that unveiled fill the world with their light.
Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness
first divine the material from the immaterial,
the fire from the earth;
for know ye that as earth descends to earth,
so also fire ascends unto
fire and becomes one with fire.
He who knows the fire that is within
himself shall ascend unto the eternal fire
and dwell in it eternally.
Fire, the inner fire,
is the most potent of all force,
for it overcomethall things and
penetrates to all things of the Earth.
Man supports himself only on that which resists.
So Earth must resist man else he existeth not.
All eyes do not see with the same vision,
for to one an object appears of
one form and colour
and to a different eye of another.
So also the infinite fire,
changing from colour to colour,
is never the same from day to day.
Thus, speak I, THOTH, of my wisdom,
for a man is a fire burning bright
through the night;
never is quenched in the veil of the darkness,
never is quenched by the veil of the night.
Into men's hearts, I looked by my wisdom,
found them not free from the bondage of strife.
Free from the toils, thy fire, O my brother,
lest it be buried in the shadow of night!
Hark ye, O man, and list to this wisdom:
where do name and form cease?
Only in consciousness, invisible,
an infinite force of radiance bright.
The forms that ye create by brightening
they vision are truly effects that follow thy cause.
Man is a star bound to a body,
until in the end,
he is freed through his strife.
Only by struggle and toiling thy
utmost shall the star within thee
bloom out in new life.
He who knows the commencement of all things,
free is his star from the realm of night.
Remember, O man, that all which exists
is only another form of that which exists not.
Everything that has being is passing into yet other
being and thou thyself are not an exception.
Consider the Law, for all is Law.
Seek not that which is not of the Law,
for such exists only in the illusions of the senses.
Wisdom cometh to all her children
even as they cometh unto wisdom.

All through the ages,
the light has been hidden.
Awake, O man, and be wise."

- The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

In the words of a true Philaletheian. . .

“What every man needs first is to find himself,
and then take an honest inventory of his
subjective possessions, and, bad or bankrupt as
it may be, it is not beyond redemption if we set
about it in earnest.” But how many do? All are
willing to work for their own development and
progress; very few for those of others. To quote
the same writer again: “Men have been deceived
and deluded long enough; they must break their
idols, put away their shams, and go to work for
themselves — nay, there is one little word too
much or too many, for he who works for himself
had better not work at all; rather let him work
himself for others, for all. For every flower of
love and charity he plants in his neighbor's
garden, a loathsome weed will disappear from
his own, and so this garden of the gods —
Humanity — shall blossom as a rose. In all
Bibles, all religions, this is plainly set forth —
but designing men have at first misinterpreted
and finally emasculated, materialized, besotted
them. It does not require a new revelation. Let
every man be a revelation unto himself. Let once
man’s immortal spirit take possession of the
temple of his body, drive out the moneychangers
and every unclean thing, and his own
divine humanity will redeem him, for when he is
thus at one with himself he will know the
‘builder of the Temple.’ ”

- Key to Theosophy

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Seven Hermetic Keys

I have learned a lot in the last 3 years but there are seven things no man can do without. They are the seven hermetic principles, keys if you will, of life. They are not based on religion or belief. Philosophy has far from ever been a belief system. Atrue philosopher, a lover of knowledge, cares not what someone believes. If anything the one thing we “believe in” is the acquiring and proper application of knowledge and wisdom in order to help our fellow man do the same. The keys I give you here will open many doors on the path to wisdom, read them and learn. Believe or not but read.

The Principle of Mentalism-
This principle embodies the fact that all of existence is mental. Most of us already realize in our hearts that there is an omnipotent, infinite, invisible force that guides everything in the universe. What you personally call this entity is not of our concern right now. The important thing to note here is that for anything at all to truly be infinite nothing can be added to it, nothing can be subtracted from it, and nothing can exists outside of itself; for if anything did or was then how could this force be infinite? That is the point; if this entity is infinite we can only exist in its mind and that is the key.

The Principle of Correspondence-
“As above so below, as below so above,” I’m sure many of us have heard this old axiom before. There is much wisdom in these words for everything in life follows this law as well as all other laws. This principle explains that there is always a correspondence with the laws and phenomena of the different planes of being and life. Whether it be an atom, a cell, an entity, a solar system, a galaxy; all laws and phenomena correspond. Just like the atom has a nucleus and orbiting bodies which make it up so does a man have his brain and his organs, so does the solar system have a sun and its planets, so does a galaxy have its center and its stars…

The Principle of Vibration-
This principle tells us that everything is in motion, everything vibrates, nothing is at rest; facts which modern science already believes and that each new discovery tend to verify. This principle explains that the difference between different states of matter, energy, mind and even spirit, result largely from the varying frequencies of vibrations.

The Principle of Polarity-
Everything is dual in nature. Everything has its poles. Bad and good, dark and light, dull and sharp, hate and love; they are all just different aspects of the same things. Look at your thermometer and tell me if you can show me where cold ends and where hot begins.

The Principle of Rhythm-
There is manifest in everything, a measured motion, back and forth, flow and inflow, a high-tide and low, a pendulum movement. This law is responsible for the rise and fall of nations, night and day, the tides, our seemingly equal accounts of depression and happiness in our lives, and it is manifest in everything else as well. The hermetic master polarizes himself at the point which he desires to rest and then neutralizes the rhythmic swing of the pendulum that would normally carry him to the other pole.

The Principle of Cause and Effect-
Every effect has its cause, every cause its effect. There is no chance, everything happens according to law.

The Principle of Gender-
This principle embodies the truth that there is gender manifest in everything. This is true not only of the physical but the mental and spiritual as well. On the physical plane it manifests itself as sex. On higher planes it takes higher forms but the principle is still the same.

What does this all lead to, you might ask. What am I to do with this knowledge? First and foremost, know them because they will prove of inestimable value to the serious student.

“Remember, that which exists is only another form of that which exists not. Everything that has being is passing into yet another being and thou thyself are no exception.” -The Emerald Tablets

Truth is relative, but if you want the reality of things...

Keep your head up, your thoughts are everything. God will show you the way, quite literally, you just have to have faith that it will. That is what the infinite intelligent substance is. That is why it is so important for humans to break free from their bad habits and negative thoughts, it's the only way to connect with the thing we call God. It's easier to understand knowing the first law of existence, that all is mind. Everything around you, me, you, the planet, all the countless stars and galaxies; they are all a product of mind and they are made out of this "mind-stuff", the intelligent substance that is all. It has it's own thoughts and it's own goals as that is how the physical universe came to be, it thought it and it happened. We have all the same powers that God has because we really were made in its image, but not in a literal sense. The universal spirit needed a form that it could use to express all the various aspects of itself in their perfection, it needed a perfect form to exist in the physical universe it created in its mind. Now obviously since it is infinite and it is essentially thinking everything that exists, it knows all. A human, although he possesses all the power there is as well, is not infinite and his knowledge is very limited so he falls into error. But over thousands of years we have learned more and more about ourselves, where we come from and our true purpose here, enough so that none of it is really even a secret anymore. If you do enough research on it you'll come to find out that the majority of well-known great people throughout history knew a lot of it and there are many many modern people that are starting to figure it out right now. You see, everything really is perfect, there is nothing wrong with the world, or any person, or government or religion. God knows exactly what he's doing. The final goal is heaven, but not in the way most people think of it. Heaven is not a place we go when we die if we've been good all our lives it is what God has been working up to. Millions of years ago there was hardly anything at all on earth but it was all very good, it was perfect, everything in it's right place, in it's right stage of development. Keep in mind always that the work is not finished yet that's all. It also helps to truly understand what it meas in the Bible "Thou shall not judge, lest ye be judged." The words are misleading because our first thought of the word lest is not what it means in that sentence. God will never judge you, the universe will never punish you for anything; but the moment we judge anyone else we open the book of judgment on ourselves. But there is also a law set the keeps everything that is wrong with ourselves around us in our lives. Everything we think and do that is negative we attract to us and it gets pointed out to us. Finally, when God first created the world and us and everything in it we lived in a much more spiritual plane of existence rather than a physical one and everything was given to us, life was perfect all the time and we could do and have anything we wanted at a whim. But just like hide and seek would be no fun if we opened our eyes and had everyone still standing there, after time it was no fun having perfection always around us, we also wanted to have the pleasure of finding it. So we asked God to hide his light from us so we could find it and as you can see he agreed to it. This "curtain" that God put up to hide his light is the human ego. And it is so good at hiding the light that ultimately it hide itself as well "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." We have to learn to get past our ego, stop judging others and resist and grow out of the things we know are wrong, that's what life is about, it's what makes life beautiful. Each layer of the curtain we pull away will bring us each closer to our own personal heaven and eventually there will be more and more people figuring it out and setting an example for others and one day we will reach God's goal, the work will be complete and there will be Heaven on Earth. That will be a beautiful day :) -Me

The Secret of the Ages

“If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t;
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,
For out in the world you’ll find
Success begins with a fellow’s will—
It’s all in the state of mind.

“Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work’s begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It’s all in the state of mind.

“If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise;
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battle doesn’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.”
- Unknown