Saturday, December 12, 2009

Many Cross-sections of Consciousness

"Our plane of consciousness is like a single "cross-section" in the middle of an imaginary log of infinite length; or like an octave in the middle of an infinite scale of consciousness, just as the octave of radiations that appear to us as light constitutes an infinitesimally small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.

On both sides of our "cross-section" there are other cross-sections of consciousness, higher and lower than ours, and that it is possible for those who have developed their inner faculties to step across the border into those other planes. To them these inner worlds are more real than the outer, physical world that we know. They call this outer world an "illusion," in the sense that it is not what it seems to be. To them it is a "shadow-world" with its matter that seems so solid, but is so porous it is almost non-existent.

It is in these inner, invisible worlds that Man's consciousness is acting, observing and experiencing, while to our knowledge he is unconscious in sleep or death.

The fact that some can to a limited extent use their inner faculties, as is done in thought-transference, indicates that these faculties are beginning to awaken from their dormant state, in the case of a few individuals. When these faculties are fully developed in us, we shall see thoughts as clearly as we now see physical objects."

-"Life's Riddle" by Nils A. Anmeus, Ch. 3 'The Unseen Side of Nature'

Pleiadian Physics: Fractals = Imagination

"A Message of Co-Creativity to
Terrans on Mother Earth Gaia"

In the Cosmos, most Beings think of existence
as a fractal. This is not how most Terrans
currently think of existence. However, because
Terra/Earth/Gaia's Sun (Sol) is the eighth
(8th) star of the Pleiades -- now in the
Photon Band -- you are re-learning this.

A fractal – simply stated – is a reflection. You
see fractals all around you: trees create trees;
butterflies make more butterflies; and the water
reflects the sky. Fractals exist in dimensions
where there is duplication of appearances and

You are a fractal: you see reflections of how you
feel and perceive each other. You see fractals
of your beautiful selves reflected everywhere!
For example, your Twin Flame is a perfect fractal
of you. Also, most soul group fractals (pods) arrive
"here" in a group of 8, symbolizing infinity.

Pleiadians are what many Terrans would term as
Ancestors. Actually, with the circular / spiral
nature of time – with all incarnations occurring
simultaneously in the NOW – "cousins" would
be a more appropriate term.

This what you have in common with Pleiadians:
empathy, love of travel, artwork, spirituality,
manifestation, temples…and so on! In the giant
Cosmos, there are no other star systems with
Beings so like you. (A light: "Wow! We must
be related!" Yes, most of you are correct with
this assumption.)

"Pleiadian Physics: 8 = Eternity" * shows that
you -- as relative of Pleiadians – are Masters of
projecting/perceiving. This includes creation of
reality around you: you can create any reality
with Light and Love.

Now you know Pleiadians are your relatives. If
this isn't exciting enough, there's more amazing
news. Pleidians want to CO-CREATE with YOU.

*Co-Creation* is needed RIGHT NOW (!) to
MANIFEST HIGHER vibrations in every aspect
of Terra/Earth/Gaia. Remember (from "Pleiadian
Physics: 8 = Eternity"*) that Light and Love are
more powerful than matter. Pleidians are here to
assist you to psychically build a Violet Bridge
of Co-Creation to re-sculpt and re-create YOUR
HOME into a Peaceful Creative World.

You are a Co-Creator right now. To show this,
make a Mirror Fractal Altar. Place a mirror on
a horizontal surface as high up as you can: place
images, objects, or saying symbolizing highest
hopes for Terra/Earth/Gaia upon the mirror. (Ideas
include pictures of nature, crystal Merkabas, or
planetary artwork, or slips of paper saying
*Dolphins Save Us* & *Planetary Ascension*
& *Billions of Light Workers*)

Here is how you can build a psychic Violet
Fractal Bridge between YOUrself and the
Pleiadians to manifest the co-creation process:

* Stay true to yourself as a Being of Light;
* Turn-off tech - turn on your imagination;
* Show love & peace to all you encounter;
* Manifest dreams into art/writing now;
* Cherish Terra/Earth/Gaia physically;
* Be as creative with whatever find;
* Share all because YOU manifest.

Remember (what you already know), a fractal
is a reflection. What is INSIDE of YOU is
OUTSIDE of YOU in all dimensions.

As you manifest higher more expansive Love
and Light vibrations with Pleiadian Physics,
you will manifest realities you've dreamed
about. Multidimensional travel and time-jumps
will be regular instances by your entrance to
your Higher Merkabas. As stated in "Pleiadian
Physics: 8 = Eternity," this is part of DNA
re-sequencing that you have been informed of
in your dream time (2 to 3 to 12 strands).

In anticipation, your Pleiadian Cousins are
ready to create with you right NOW.

"I am the Universe,
I am the Cosmos,
I am the Violet Flame"

[[[ Mantra of Your Sun, the Eighth Star in the Pleiades ]]]

Share and pass on freely. Love and Light are always free.

Pleiadian Physics: 8 = Eternity

"'A Message of Hope to Terrans on Mother Earth Gaia'

In the Cosmos, most Beings think of LIGHT as synonymous with
"information." This is not the usual way Terrans think of
information, however…

Light is information in the way things are sensed and felt.
Feelings are the most powerful voices/fuels in the universe. This
is because our feelings are information and this is what LIGHT is
composed of.

Think of it this way. The Sun we are seeing, Sol – the eighth (8th)
Sun of the Pleiades Constellation – now directly in the Photon
Band, transmits LIGHT to Terra/Gaia/Earth. Sun/Sol, creates
dimensions "here."

This light creates beings/feelings in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th –
through 12th dimensions (and beyond) which affect Terra/Gaia/Earth.

For example, In the 2nd dimension ("here"), this LIGHT is turned
into crystals and insects. In the third dimension, this light is
turned into fauna and flora (plants and animals) which also have
feelings, which is information. It is in this way that you are made
of LIGHT. You are all now discovering that Light is more powerful
than matter, for your inner self is telling you that light is
emotional intention.

The 1st dimension has the least amount of love, leading up to the
12th dimension which is composed of the pure love of the Core
Creators... And yet higher in bandwidth and complete Merkaba
control are the Planetary Travelers [true name omitted].

For those of you with Pleiadian origins -- of the highly-
fluctuating and fluid 4th/5th dimensions -- you are the MASTERs of
projecting and perceiving emotions. You are the forerunners in this
Light Awakening by showing those on Terra/Gaia/Earth how feelings
form reality (perceptions and reactions).

There are simple instant experiments to show you that LIGHT is more
powerful than matter NOW, as Terra/Gaia/Earth is aligning with
Pleiadian physics more so each day. Simply write down a list of
what you need and tape it to the wall of your dwelling: you will
see instant results. Another instant experiment is to chant, "I am
light" when performing a task: you will see that time/matter will
bend to your will for your work/art/duties.

You are also LOVE. You are made of love. Love is what brought you
"here" in the first place, when you were born, and if you were
braided/walked in, or in rare cases, trained. You are here not only
to project/perceive love, but to use love as an instrument for
sculpting/creating matter. Love is more powerful than matter.

As the physics "here" become increasingly more Pleiadian, you will
see that *doors of perception* (marked by repeated number signs)
are opening more frequently, with the ability to take you to higher
and higher expansions. These are expansions -- not
vibrations -- because you need to be able to handle your total
Merkaba enlargement, which will expose you to
extremes/centers/beings of all kinds.

These vibrations (12 bandwidths of 12 expansions each, followed by
a jump to the next octave, which are also composed of either one
Merkaba or a cluster of Merkabas) lead you as an individual upward
to parallel lives in which you can connect with your soul family,
your soul cluster, and/or your Soulmates / Twin Flames in *Instant
Manifestation* worlds and realities.

As you move higher and higher in LOVE, your base chakra will move
from your root to your heart, and you will have TWELVE chakras
instead of seven: at this point, all of your actions and thoughts
will be love-based. This is also part of the DNA re-sequencing that
you have been informed of in your dreamtime. (2 strands to the
triangulation of 3 strands) Next, you will be presented with a
series of choices/wishes/projections which will land you in a
series of several Merkabas (projected realities). If you choose
wisely and remain true to yourself, manifestation beyond your
wildest dreams might occur (3 strands to the expansion of 12

The urgent important KEYS to LIGHT and LOVE are sharing (freely) on
as many levels as you can. This is KEY to Pleiadian physics.

Here are some simple methods of sharing love and light. Give your
unused food and clothing to those who need it. Volunteer for free.
Teach new ideas for free. Heal for free. Recycle and re-use. Give
hugs to strangers. Don't forget to give yourself love and light
too, with crystals, candlelight, and massage. Bring yourself back
to love in your heart through music, beauty, and loving memories.
Bring yourself back to light by freely sharing information.

Share and pass on freely. Love and Light are always Free." - Unknown