I have learned a lot in the last 3 years but there are seven things no man can do without. They are the seven hermetic principles, keys if you will, of life. They are not based on religion or belief. Philosophy has far from ever been a belief system. Atrue philosopher, a lover of knowledge, cares not what someone believes. If anything the one thing we “believe in” is the acquiring and proper application of knowledge and wisdom in order to help our fellow man do the same. The keys I give you here will open many doors on the path to wisdom, read them and learn. Believe or not but read.
The Principle of Mentalism-
This principle embodies the fact that all of existence is mental. Most of us already realize in our hearts that there is an omnipotent, infinite, invisible force that guides everything in the universe. What you personally call this entity is not of our concern right now. The important thing to note here is that for anything at all to truly be infinite nothing can be added to it, nothing can be subtracted from it, and nothing can exists outside of itself; for if anything did or was then how could this force be infinite? That is the point; if this entity is infinite we can only exist in its mind and that is the key.
The Principle of Correspondence-
“As above so below, as below so above,” I’m sure many of us have heard this old axiom before. There is much wisdom in these words for everything in life follows this law as well as all other laws. This principle explains that there is always a correspondence with the laws and phenomena of the different planes of being and life. Whether it be an atom, a cell, an entity, a solar system, a galaxy; all laws and phenomena correspond. Just like the atom has a nucleus and orbiting bodies which make it up so does a man have his brain and his organs, so does the solar system have a sun and its planets, so does a galaxy have its center and its stars…
The Principle of Vibration-
This principle tells us that everything is in motion, everything vibrates, nothing is at rest; facts which modern science already believes and that each new discovery tend to verify. This principle explains that the difference between different states of matter, energy, mind and even spirit, result largely from the varying frequencies of vibrations.
The Principle of Polarity-
Everything is dual in nature. Everything has its poles. Bad and good, dark and light, dull and sharp, hate and love; they are all just different aspects of the same things. Look at your thermometer and tell me if you can show me where cold ends and where hot begins.
The Principle of Rhythm-
There is manifest in everything, a measured motion, back and forth, flow and inflow, a high-tide and low, a pendulum movement. This law is responsible for the rise and fall of nations, night and day, the tides, our seemingly equal accounts of depression and happiness in our lives, and it is manifest in everything else as well. The hermetic master polarizes himself at the point which he desires to rest and then neutralizes the rhythmic swing of the pendulum that would normally carry him to the other pole.
The Principle of Cause and Effect-
Every effect has its cause, every cause its effect. There is no chance, everything happens according to law.
The Principle of Gender-
This principle embodies the truth that there is gender manifest in everything. This is true not only of the physical but the mental and spiritual as well. On the physical plane it manifests itself as sex. On higher planes it takes higher forms but the principle is still the same.
What does this all lead to, you might ask. What am I to do with this knowledge? First and foremost, know them because they will prove of inestimable value to the serious student.
“Remember, that which exists is only another form of that which exists not. Everything that has being is passing into yet another being and thou thyself are no exception.” -The Emerald Tablets
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Truth is relative, but if you want the reality of things...
Keep your head up, your thoughts are everything. God will show you the way, quite literally, you just have to have faith that it will. That is what the infinite intelligent substance is. That is why it is so important for humans to break free from their bad habits and negative thoughts, it's the only way to connect with the thing we call God. It's easier to understand knowing the first law of existence, that all is mind. Everything around you, me, you, the planet, all the countless stars and galaxies; they are all a product of mind and they are made out of this "mind-stuff", the intelligent substance that is all. It has it's own thoughts and it's own goals as that is how the physical universe came to be, it thought it and it happened. We have all the same powers that God has because we really were made in its image, but not in a literal sense. The universal spirit needed a form that it could use to express all the various aspects of itself in their perfection, it needed a perfect form to exist in the physical universe it created in its mind. Now obviously since it is infinite and it is essentially thinking everything that exists, it knows all. A human, although he possesses all the power there is as well, is not infinite and his knowledge is very limited so he falls into error. But over thousands of years we have learned more and more about ourselves, where we come from and our true purpose here, enough so that none of it is really even a secret anymore. If you do enough research on it you'll come to find out that the majority of well-known great people throughout history knew a lot of it and there are many many modern people that are starting to figure it out right now. You see, everything really is perfect, there is nothing wrong with the world, or any person, or government or religion. God knows exactly what he's doing. The final goal is heaven, but not in the way most people think of it. Heaven is not a place we go when we die if we've been good all our lives it is what God has been working up to. Millions of years ago there was hardly anything at all on earth but it was all very good, it was perfect, everything in it's right place, in it's right stage of development. Keep in mind always that the work is not finished yet that's all. It also helps to truly understand what it meas in the Bible "Thou shall not judge, lest ye be judged." The words are misleading because our first thought of the word lest is not what it means in that sentence. God will never judge you, the universe will never punish you for anything; but the moment we judge anyone else we open the book of judgment on ourselves. But there is also a law set the keeps everything that is wrong with ourselves around us in our lives. Everything we think and do that is negative we attract to us and it gets pointed out to us. Finally, when God first created the world and us and everything in it we lived in a much more spiritual plane of existence rather than a physical one and everything was given to us, life was perfect all the time and we could do and have anything we wanted at a whim. But just like hide and seek would be no fun if we opened our eyes and had everyone still standing there, after time it was no fun having perfection always around us, we also wanted to have the pleasure of finding it. So we asked God to hide his light from us so we could find it and as you can see he agreed to it. This "curtain" that God put up to hide his light is the human ego. And it is so good at hiding the light that ultimately it hide itself as well "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." We have to learn to get past our ego, stop judging others and resist and grow out of the things we know are wrong, that's what life is about, it's what makes life beautiful. Each layer of the curtain we pull away will bring us each closer to our own personal heaven and eventually there will be more and more people figuring it out and setting an example for others and one day we will reach God's goal, the work will be complete and there will be Heaven on Earth. That will be a beautiful day :) -Me
The Secret of the Ages
“If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t;
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,
For out in the world you’ll find
Success begins with a fellow’s will—
It’s all in the state of mind.
“Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work’s begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
“If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise;
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battle doesn’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.”
- Unknown
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t;
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,
For out in the world you’ll find
Success begins with a fellow’s will—
It’s all in the state of mind.
“Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work’s begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
“If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise;
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battle doesn’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.”
- Unknown
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